
Scroll Compressor

Oil-Free Type: SLPA Series


Why Oil-free Scroll Compressor Chosen?

1. Clean Air

2. Low Maintenance Cost

3. Energy Saving

4. Risk Management

5. Low Noise

Find more in the Movie!






Clean Air - Can Filter Always Remove Oil

from Air? - Oil Free Type Scroll Compressor.

Driving Sound of 0.75 kW Model

- Oil Free Type Scroll Compressor.



Maintenance Cost

- Oil Free Type Scroll Compressor.


Driving Sound of 1.5 kW Model

- Oil Free Type Scroll Compressor.



High Energy Efficiency

- Oil Free Type Scroll Compressor.

  Driving Sound of 7.5 kW Model

- Oil Free Type Scroll Compressor.



Driving Sound of 15 kW Model

- Oil Free Type Scroll Compressor.